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June 2024
Venue TBD

Filipe dos Reis

Independent Consultant


Filipe has more than 25 years’ experience in the civil aviation sector and started his career as a trainee at Lufthansa German Airlines.
Filipe spent over 20 years at IATA, joining the association in 2003 as Country Manager for Brazil, where he led its operations for 10 years. He then moved to the Miami Regional Office as Director of Airport, Passenger, Cargo and Security for The Americas. In this role, he promoted IATA`s Passenger and Cargo Agendas, managed projects to revolutionize the travel experience for passengers and to digitize the Cargo processes through the implementation of e-freight. On the airport side, Filipe coordinated IATA initiatives on improving security and facilitation, airport expansions and modernization projects. Filipe also led IATA's engagements with airports and regulatory bodies on developments on new regulations, charges and taxation.
Filipe is now engaged as an expert advisor on various airport related projects.
Filipe has a bachelor degree in economics and concluded his Masters in Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2010.
