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June 2024
Venue TBD

Sandra Gonzalez Navarro

Assistant Director Airport Development, Americas


Sandra currently holds the post of IATA’s Assistant Director Airport Development for the Americas, representing airline needs at major infrastructure projects in the region, ensuring they are demand-led and result in facilities that meet airline operational needs, provide a high level of customer experience and are affordable to operate from.

Prior to joining IATA, Sandra was responsible for the stakeholder engagement for the Texcoco airport, including the coordination of the project masterplan consultants and airline consultative committee.

Sandra's 10-year industry experience includes advocating from the airline and government perspectives, which provides her the unique understanding of different stakeholder's needs for airport infrastructure and passenger levels of service.

Sandra holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from UDLA in Puebla, Mexico and a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard's Kennedy School in Cambridge, USA.
